Congratulations 100 awesome episodes!

The more I listen to your podcast, the more I am convinced that I am autistic! If not, I wish I were one of you!

My 9 year old daughter is autistic! My husband is not, but these two are almost identical characteristically!

Your podcast is one of my favourites, I listen to it while working out and laughing out loud!

I can’t say enough great things about your podcast, it helps me understand my husband and my daughter more, it literally saved my marriage!

Many many thanks

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Well chances are if it's not him, it's you sister. Or both of you! The door is open to you all! And no matter what, I am so glad your home life is a little bit happier with us in it! <3

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Another historical figure yall should look into at some point is Alexander von Humboldt, founder of the modern academic discipline of Geography. The more you read about him, the more obvious it is that he would've been considered Autistic by today's standards.

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Congratulations!!! I‘m looking forward to the next 100 episodes.

Personally, I‘d love to hear you talk about Jane Austen (master unmasker of fake people and general bs with a super intense interest in communication, human interaction, and how we form our idea of reality, and with a love of Easter eggs, and a hatred of societal rules that make no sense or are ethically questionable).

Also, Elvis, Edgar Allan Poe or The Beach Boys (who - probably because of the harmonizing - I kind of associate with Comedian Harmonists and their probably neurodivergent founder Harry Frommermann).

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OOOH! Almost none of these are on our list! I'll add this all to my research files. THANK YOU.

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Great! I‘m really glad I could contribute ☺️

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I can't believe you read my letter!!! Needless to say, the second half of my drive home today was a little blurry. Thank you so much for your words. It was a real honor to have you read my note and comment on the imposter syndrome. Thank you again for all that you do! (P.S. I am an adjunct course lecturer, so...kind of a professor? haha)

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Congrats on 100 episodes! You all are awesome, I haven't had a chance to listen yet, but I'm excited to later today and I'm very happy to be able to support the great work you all do!

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Congratulations on the 100th episode. I noticed on the facebookpage of Autistic connections that Angela and Matt have written a book called Adult Autism Home Assesment. I would love to read this book on self identification because I would love to strength the foundation of my Autistic indentity. My emailadres is: minnemamartine@gmail.com.

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I love that! We finished the draft ***yesterday*** so the book is a couple months away. That said it will first go to our PAID SUPPORTERS - and they will get it as soon as it is edited. If you want the fastest copy possible, head to subscriptions in the top right corner and upgrade to paid.

If that's not an option for you, no worries. We will make it available for sale about 6 months or so after the paid members have it! We will update people on the podcast and here in the substack so be sure to become a subscriber (free or paid) for all the updates!

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Yay!!! I just found you guys recently, and I've been listening to you so much while I drive around at work - my job is taking marketing pics of real estate properties. It's a decent job for One Of Us, as my husband already called autistic people. Was cool to hear you guys do it too! :)

I just recently subscribed so I'm not sure how/if/when to suggest topics for episodes, but I wonder if you guys could ever look into Korean dramas? They're my husband's special interest and we watch two episodes a night.

Obviously there's Extraordinary Attorney Woo, where the main female character is explicitly autistic, but there's plenty of autistic-coded characters too. A Reddit thread that lists some of them: https://www.reddit.com/r/kdramarecommends/comments/1acmhx3/any_kdramas_with_an_autistic_characters_who_arent/

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and that I really really love your podcast and it's made me quite sure that my husband and I are both autistic (working class kids in the South in the 1980s means no professional diagnosis) and also it's just awesome to feel included and like I belong somewhere and to not feel alienated, like I do sometimes in the kdrama fandom around the neurotypical people.

Keep up the awesomeness, please! :)

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Did you like Extraordinary Attorney Woo? I actually found her to be like a neurotypical portraying an autistic. I was planning on covering it but then I watched 2 episodes and it was just too Big Bang Theory for me. But maybe it was a cultural difference and I need to get someone Actually Autistic AND Actually Korean to come explain it to me because I was not getting it!!!

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And I'm so glad you found us!

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Yay! I am currently listening to the MLP episode and it’s so awesome. I was a child of the 80s and there’s a picture of little me smiling with all my ponies lined up on the window and couch behind me, lol.

I remember the episode you guys mentioned with Wind Whistler and I remember having a strong emotional reaction to it. But Wind Whistler’s toy was one of the So Soft ones that I couldn’t stand to touch. Texted my husband about that and he replied “Boy, that’s like rain on your wedding day.” ;)

I keep mentioning your podcast to him and on my Tumblr. Definitely the most relatable one I’ve found. :)

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It was all right. Not in our top tier and not a character we really related to a lot or anything, but it was okay.

Now, Because This Is My First Life….the male lead is very autistic coded and we were really into it for 14 episodes and it would have been in our top tier, but the last two episodes ruined it. I actually cried I felt so betrayed and angry.

Our top tier is Goblin, Strong Woman Do Bong-soon, Mystic Pop-up Bar, Lovely Runner, and From Now On Showtime. None of those really have autistic themes though.

Two of my recent favorites with autistic coded characters - Crash, with Lee Min-ki doing a good autistic coded character again without the heartbreak of the BTIMFL ending, and Seoul Busters, with Kim Dong-wool doing a fun autistic coded character.

A currently airing one that we’re enjoying is When The Stars Gossip. It’s about an ob/gyn going to a space station as a space tourist and secretly taking some eggs and sperm from a chaebol (Korean term for large companies and their billionaire owners) couple to try and fertilize the eggs in space since the sperm, whose creator died before the show, is defective in Earth gravity.

Yeah, it’s obvious pro-reproduction propaganda to try and encourage people to get South Korea’s birth rate up but it’s not so obvious that it takes over the story, and it’s exciting and unique and different, but the neurotypical people keep saying it’s weird and wrong and that they’re not sure what it’s trying to do? Maybe it’s the top down processing where they need prior boxes to put it in?

Another drama they won’t stop hating and calling weird is Chicken Nugget, about how a machine turns a girl into a chicken nugget. It’s like they can’t handle anything but slice of life normcore romance, which is why I feel alienated sometimes.

Anyway yay thanks for letting me ramble on a bit! :)

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Episode suggestion: Wes Anderson

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Sorry, Kim Dong-wook. Silly autocorrect.

Also my husband is really into tea. He works at the library and he told me yesterday that he’s preparing a presentation on tea to give to the public at his library. :)

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TEA! tell him if the library presentation goes well and he wants to give us a TEA INFO DUMP we would love it. Here's the link to sign up to do an episode.


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Awwww, thank you! He’s more socially anxious than I am, but we’ll see after the library presentation. :)

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