"Packing peanuts" is the perfect way to describe the useless and annoying niceties that NTs make us shovel into our emails! I got scolded during my MSW program when I emailed Bruce Perry to tell him that his neurosequential model of treatment program wasn't ADA compliant because none of the required training videos had captions or transcripts. Apparently I wasn't appropriately humbling myself before the Great Doctor. VOM.

Ever since then I have had to make a point of going back at the beginning of every email to throw in some useless phatic communication and now my emails are basically a Victorian era letter.

As a Gen Xer I long for the early days of email when the norm was to be terse. No wonder the younguns loathe email so much if we have to cram all this useless crap in just for office politics.

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Oooh, looking forward to listening to this one? Yesterday in the wild on the internet I saw someone say that a lack of birth control would lead to horrible things like....more autistic kids being born. Yeah. I spoke up. Don't know if it changed their mind (on it being bad for autistic people to be born - I am definitely pro reproductive autonomy), but I spoke up.

Will be back after listening!

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