I'm a psych nurse, in a clinic. I really don't like my current job for a lot reasons discussed above. One small victory I get to accomplish regularly though is "chart corrections." A whole lot less patients with flagged charts. Are they aggressive, really, nope not anymore. I've worked in a State Hospital, I know what an aggressive person looks like. Also... magically, eye contact disappeared from the chart template when I started working here.... strange....

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So here's an absolutely disgusting but surprisingly useful phrase to use at the doctor... "oh yeah, my husband/brother/father/random human with a penis was actually wondering if it might be (insert condition i have extensively researched here), and I promised I'd ask what you thought."

Because sometimes the doc will listen to the (possibly imaginary) dude in your life more than than they'll listen to you. But if that's what you gotta navigate to get care, well, this works really well.

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