Feb 21Liked by River Robbins, Matt Lowry, LPP

Was waiting for this episode basically since y’all started the show! So good! One thing y’all didn’t get into that I find quite empowering is that one reason season four didn’t work is because, although the neurotypicals running the show for season four understood *that* meta commentary was fundamental to the success of the show (and they even understood *what* meta commentary usually entailed), they failed to understand *why* it was important to the show and thus didn’t know *how* to effectively use it. The show became an uncanny valley caricature of itself until it was saved by Harmon’s return.

To me, this is evidence of the double empathy problem and points to a profound implication that (at least where our SpIns are concerned), we may actually have superior “theory of mind” than our less interested NT peers, such that theory of mind is even a meaningful concept (i.e. the writers of season four didn’t understand why the show worked, but Harmon understood *exactly* why season four didn’t work).

Thanks for this episode y’all! Been so looking forward to it and was not disappointed 🙏

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You're so right! We may need to do an update to cover exactly that!

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Whoa!!! Great comment! Thanks for taking the time to post!!!

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