Love this episode as a long-time board game fan 🤗

I’m a Makerspace Librarian who has helped people develop and create board game prototypes before - your idea for a pillars of autism board game sounds so cool, and I’d love to support in any capacity I can 🙂

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Yeeeeeeeeees! Massive board game geek here!

So...if you wanna make an Autistica board game, you may want to check out the work of Dr. Schott Nicholson. He is a currently professor of Game Design and Development and the director of the Brantford Game Network Game Lab. His focus is on developing and fostering meaningful game play, and he does consultations on game development, the ways games work, & why they matter. In the past he did a series of very popular and useful board game review videos on youtube (he doesn't do those anymore, but they're still up there for folks to enjoy). You can find more about him here: https://www.becauseplaymatters.com/contact and here: https://scottnicholson.com/

And I think Angela may have been talking about Dominion (just in case anyone is trying to find the game she was describing!).

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YES DOMINION. Drew a blank.. and at one point I think I also drew a blank on Muffin Time.

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Erm...and I don't know for sure if he's ever said he's autistic anywhere...but I Would Not Be Surprised. Not Even A Little. You know...in case you want to sweet talk him into recording a followup podcast with y'all when the game gets underway!

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Angela! I NEED a crossover episode with If Books Could Kill! Michael Hobbes does the show already where they read a terrible book and break down why it’s awful!

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You know that's my favorite podcaster, right?

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Hi - Sami Harris, Content Manager for The Autistic Culture Podcast here! This crossover idea with *If Books Could Kill* is chef's kiss! Michael Hobbes breaking down a bad book through our lens would be pure magic. I’ll definitely pass this idea along to the team. Thanks for the awesome suggestion! 📚✨

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Soo I made my own version of Dixit for Christmas gifts this year called Pixit, as is the way! Love this episode!

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I have loved board games since I was a kid. However, as a child of the 80's in rural Midwestern U.S., I was only exposed to the basics like Monopoly, Clue, Yatzee, Uno, Risk, Sorry and Battleship (the last two teach you to be an asshole) or other games at K-Mart. Also, it was tough to get my parents to play with me so I often times would move the tokens around the board myself pretending my cats were the other players. It wasn't until I moved to a progressive college town (with a population of 60K can somehow support three indie board game shops) about 20 years ago, that I discovered my entry level into the more complex games such as Carcassonne and Settlers of Catan. I have a feeling that more than 1% of people here would say they enjoy boardgames. Besides people playing games at the indie game stores, I saw a group of people the other day playing a board game in the eating area of a grocery store. Anyhow, since then I have discovered some amazing games, which has lead to several hundred dollars spent building a wardrobe full of games. Right now my top ten in no particular order:

-Everdell (engine building with cute characters and a 3-D tree)

-Wingspan (engine building with gorgeous art and birds!)

-Battle at Hogwarts and Monster Box of Monsters expansion (JK Rowling is trash, but this cooperative game is really fun)

-Spirit Mountain (Crazy difficult, but cooperatively trying to stop colonizers with magic spirits is great)

-Settlers of Catan (still a classic)

-Scotland Yard Ravensburger version (one person is the villain and the rest are detectives)

-Root (I haven't played this much yet, but I love the lore and adventure)

-Azul (I love the patterns and fact it can be played quickly)

-Carcassonne (Another classic I still love, especially the Hunters and Gatherers version)

-Ticket to Ride (I enjoyed this more than I thought I would)

*I recently bought Stardew Valley the Board Game so am excited to mix to of my SPINs together.

Ok, I'll stop now.

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You are listing all my favourites!!! I don't know Root but everything else is a hit overhear. Have you ever played Muffin Time? That's one of our favourites too!

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I haven’t played Muffin Time, but it looks interesting. I am on the lookout for games that are fun and can be played without taking up the whole table for hours.

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If Jacob is the son of Angela's husband, he would be her stepson, not son-in-law. Son-in-law is the husband of her daughter.

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sometimes I mess up terms because of the pressure of recording. But yes, I am aware Jacob is my step-son and Nicole is my soon-to-be daughter-in-law. Love them both even if I misspeak sometimes!

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