This episode originally aired on December 13, 2022 under the title “Peanuts is Autistic.”
“Our relationships are based on the three F's. Friends, family, and fictional characters.”
“He was a very big proponent of gay rights because one of his best friends is Billie Jean King and Peppermint Patty is directly based on her.”
“The entire world seems incredibly chaotic to us. And we need this structure and we need this routine in order to be happy, in order to be healthy, in order to be productive. And it seems like Charles Schultz really, really leaned into this because that is what helped him be who he was.”
“This is so pathologizing and so incorrect because we, These are the things that give us life. These are the things that bring us joy.”
“He said, ‘that's what life was about to me.’ He didn't say ‘that's what I liked.’ He didn't say ‘that's what I loved.’ He said, 'that's what life was about.”
Which Peanuts character do you relate to the most?
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Episode 06: Lemony Snicket is Autistic
Episode 12: Parks & Rec is Autistic
Episode 20: Sesame Street is Autistic
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