This episode originally aired on October 17, 2023, under the title “Dungeons and Dragons is Autistic.”
“This gives us a safe place where we can be ourselves, where we can be other people, where we can bond with people, where we can have a ritual of getting together once a week and spending lots of time eating snacks and socializing in a safe and effective way where we all know the rules of socialization.”
“You have a specified time. You have a specified reason for hanging out. You have a specified goal during the game. It meets our socialization needs.”
“So like what you like, because whatever it is, they'll find a way to call you weird.”
Are you a D&D fan? Tell us about your favorite character or campaign! How has D&D helped you to tap into authentic joy and connection?
Fan Favorite Game, design #3 (get yours here)
Play the game! Fan Favorites Game rules
Episode 10: Star Trek is Autistic
Episodes 16: Pokémon is Autistic
Episode 28: Superheroes are Autistic
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