Ugly Ducking author, Hans Christian Andersen (HCA), gets a bad rep in literary circles for being awkward, difficult, unsociable, and egocentric, but pull back the curtains (and add an Autistic culture filter) and a new truth is revealed about Hans Christian. Maybe he wasn’t the “problem” after all.
Andersen had special interests, social challenges, speech differences, and found solace in the arts and performance. The podcast hosts, Angela and Matt, view his work as contributing greatly to Autistic culture because his stories are so relatable for Autistic individuals. Stories like The Ugly Duckling reflect feeling different and not belonging. The Little Mermaid reflects masking one's true self to try to fit in. The Princess and the Pea affirms sensory sensitivity as a positive trait.
“And that was made to mean that I was difficult or histrionic or…I was always compared to the little boy who cried wolf. And in The Princess and the Pea, HCA turns this on its head. And this was why I wanted to hear it over and over and over again: because this specialness—my sensitivity—was not only acknowledged in this story, but it was made to be something special.” —Angela
Other discussion topics include sensory seeking and avoiding, special interests, direct communication, existential loneliness, and Andersen's troubled friendship with Charles Dickens.
“Allistics are very big on what we call ‘exposure therapy,’ because allistics have this thing called ‘desensitization and habituation.’ We don't do that. Allistics become less sensitive to stimuli over time because that's the way they're wired. We don't do that. It just causes trauma for us.” —Matt
On this virtual culture trip, the hosts provide deep analysis of Andersen's stories and life from an Autistic perspective, highlighting how his work gives voice to the Autistic experience in many ways and why Autistic people relate to his work. Listen in and see what you think about popular criticism he received and if it was merited.
Which fairytale do you relate to most? Tell us about it in the comments!
Complete Works of Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen Centre
Charles Dickens AWESOME Wife Catherine
The Genesis of Artistic Creativity: Asperger's Syndrome and the Arts
Related Episodes…Want to learn about more Autistic fairy tales? Check out Episode 34: Beauty and the Beast is Autistic
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Learn more about Matt at Matt Lowry, LPP
Matt’s social media: Autistic Connections Facebook Group
Learn more about Angela at and Difference Press
Angela’s social media: Twitter and TikTok
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