June 21, 2024
This summer we’re re-releasing our top episodes with new intros, listener shoutouts, and (drum roll, please)…a game!!
Want to officially become one of our Favorite Fans? Play our "Fan Favorites Game! Here’s how it works:
Each of our Fan Favorite episodes has a matching t-shirt in our TeePublic store. (Check out the show notes of each episode to find the design with a direct link).
Collect all the shirts from this Fan Favorite series and send us a picture of you in all 13 designs, and we will give you a free lifetime paid membership to The Autistic Culture Podcast, plus a special thank you call with Angela and Matt where they will confirm that you are our favorite fan.
And since we know that is expensive, you can also:
If you buy stickers for all 13 episodes and send us pictures of you with them, then we will gift you a free one year supporting membership and a personal email from Matt and Angela that will confirm your status as our favorite.
But that’s not all - there is a 3rd way to “win” our Fan Favorites game and become one of our favorite fans:
If you leave a comment on all 13 of these episodes and email us screenshots of all 13 comments, we will get you exclusive access to our next paid subscriber only “Ask Matt and Angela Anything” live call where we will be naming and claiming all our favorite fans.
The game begins Tuesday, June 25th with our FIRST Fan Favorite episode!
Send your pictures to Info@AutisticCulturePodcast.com to win. This offer expires December 31, 2024, so show us your merch!!!
Can’t wait? Visit our TeePublic shop today!