So, uh, lemme just sidle around that first comment for a topic shift… hi, I’m new here and I’m confused. Started listening because I’m a knitter who follows Hunter Hammersen, then went back and started listening from Episode 1 (as is, I now understand, the way). I watched the video of your MtG episode, and was going to switch over to watching videos while knitting instead of listening to podcasts while cooking.

tl;dr can anyone point me to the season three videos? Are they a paid subscriber perk? I wouldn’t be shocked if video editing means they’re a lot slower to publish than audio, except Angela sometimes narrates visuals for those of us who aren’t watching on video, which implies watching is an option. I would especially like to see your lovely and expressive faces during this episode about our current hellscape. 🙃

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"Neurotypical people don’t have an inner monologue.

Neurotypical people are not pattern-followers. Neurotypical people trust the people above them socially to do what is in their best interest." Matt

Three assertions that are just plain wrong. If a neurotypical person made such a wide sweeping and generalised statement about the neurodivergent community I am certain you would be appalled and move quickly to correctly refute such ignorance and prejudice.

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