BTW, I’m in Japan right now (my autistic son is spending spring semester in Nagoya), and it is absolutely Autistic Heaven. I lived here between undergraduate and graduate schools, 40 years ago (which was halfway between the end of WW2 and now!) and experiencing it now and looking back, I can see that all the clues are there. If there ever were an Autistic Culture, this is it.

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Talked about you on today's recording! Now we have 2 shows you have suggested. Thanks!

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If you have time, read the Isaacson book (he has also done great biographies of Steve Jobs and Alfred Einstein, as well as as super book on computer people called The Innovators). The audiobook is read by Alfred Molina.

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Cool. Yeah, totally one of us.

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I mean, of course he was! It makes so much sense now that you say it. Definitely missed that documentary in the fall so I'm putting it on my list. This would make a great episode. Thanks for sharing your idea!

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Looking forward to the episode about Ken Burns’ new documentary about the greatest autistic person of all time.

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Oh wait... what? I just saw this comment. Davinci wasn't even on any of our lists! I will definitely check this out and look into it! I love this idea!

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