OMG!! Just hooted at “people want to be around us until they realize what we’re like so they kick us off then take credit for our work!”

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I need a spreadsheet of requested topics because I want to be efficient. I just need to know- Cat Warriors and or Wings of fire? How many votes? I have a habit where I cross reference characters to Personality tests. Which led to me taking multiple free quizzes and finding the most accurate representation is a cross of western and eastern horoscopes. Fun

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No requests for Cat Warriors or Wings of Fire. At least 2 on personality tests. But the number of votes doesn't matter. We pick shows based on the amount of information available and what Matt and I want to research. There has to be quite a lot of info to turn it into a show. Courtney Love got about 50 votes but the whole episode would have been Hey Matt, Hey Angela - Courtney Love is Autistic - Have a good one. There was just no interesting information out there to make a show with. That's how we ended up with the Punk is Autistic episode.

So keep suggesting! It gives us stuff to research and if there is enough for an episode and we are inspired, we run with it!

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Yeah, get it. I can teeter on the brink of a whiff of a research quest with a feeling of excitement but also dread in what I might find. I am scarred from Business coaching trying to change my personality to make me gumby my way through working with stale pale male folk. So I find comfort in knowing there’s as much science behind Myer Briggs as there is in the Harry Potter Sorting hat. And then I feel sad about relating to Huffelpuff so hard when the author has been exposed as a bit of a twat.

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I love The Orville! Such a great show and I'm planning on adding a model of The Orville ship to my Star Trek collection :) One thing about Star Trek... Lower Decks came out before Strange New Worlds (I love that show too) and it has to be given credit for bringing back humor and optimism to Star Trek. Lower Decks is honestly one of the best Star Trek shows ever made. If you all do another Star Trek episode do not leave out Lower Decks! It is also probably the most Autistic Star Trek show ever made!

The first season of Lower Decks isn't as good (like a lot of Star Trek shows), but the rest of the seasons are amazing. Mike McMahan is the creator for Lower Decks and was also a writer and producer for Rick and Morty. He was one of the first writers hired for that series and was eventually promoted to showrunner for the 4th season of Rick and Morty. Mike McMahan also co-created Solar Opposites with Justin Roiland (co-creator for Rick and Morty). That show canonically has at least one Neurodivergent character (ADD) based on what I read in Reddit--I haven't actually seen that show yet. Mike McMahan once described himself as "kind of the sci-fi guy" on the Rick and Morty team.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Mike McMahan is one of us. So please, please, please, if you do another Star Trek episode, do not forget about Lower Decks! Plus Lower Decks just finished its last season, so it is a good time to talk about it.

And you all probably should include Star Trek Prodigy too. Another amazing optimistic Star Trek show and in the second season, The Doctor is a regular character. Prodigy also came out before Strange New Worlds.

I love Strange New Worlds, but it is just one of several fantastic and optimistic new Star Trek shows. Lower Decks and Prodigy are great and should be included in any future Star Trek episode.

And about AGI... our generative AI systems won't lead to Artificial General Intelligence. The tech just doesn't work that way. One day we might get to AGI, but our current AIs systems are no where near that level and are probably not even on the right road to AGI. You should check out the podcast Better Offline by Ed Zitron -- who very well may be one of us. He has Autistic people in his family, so yeah... Ed does a good job talking about this and other issues with generative AI and is a good introduction to this topic. He is a tech reporter and also has a lot of good episodes about problems with the tech industry in general. I highly recommend it.

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Thanks for the tip to Better Offline. Sounds RIGHT up my alley!

I'll pass the rest of your message on to matt and make sure he is fully in the loop.

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was that u george orwell???

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too slow 4 cookie monster?

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